IIRS Outreach Programme
Live and Interactive classroom:
The use of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System, Global Navigation Satellite System and associated geospatial technologies is increasing rapidly, creating an urgent demand for trained manpower. The live and interactive mode of distance learning is enabled through Internet and A-view software platform developed by Amrita e-learning Lab in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Government of India. The programs are available through Internet without any cost to the user. The live and interactive sessions will be conducted by experts from IISR-ISRO and other knowledge Institutions. IIRS has successfully conducted 22 such courses so far with participation of over 120258+ participants from 1048+ academic institutions, government departments and industry. The beneficiaries of the programme may include:
- Central/State/Private Universities & Academic Institutions;
- Central & State Government Organizations/Departments;
- Research Institutes;
- Geospatial Industry;
- NGOs
IIRS also conducts various theme oriented online courses and monthly webinars on recent topics on geospatial technologies and its applications. Users are encouraged to actively participate on these programs. For more detail please visit IIRS official website- www.iirs.gov.in
Register your organisation under IIRS Outreach Network by providing the below details:
- Type of Organisation:
Please select your organisation type whether- University/Institute/College
- State Govt. Ministry/Department
- Industry/ Corporate
- Other
- Organisation Details:
Please enter your organisation Name in English & Hindi and Location details of your organisation - Personal Details of Nominated Coordinator/Focal Person:
Since you are officiated as coordinator for IIRS Outreach Programme, please provide your complete details like: Name, Designation, Email ID and Address. - Nomination & Request letter Details:
Please upload the request letter/ willingness letter signed by your head of organisation addressed to Director, IIRS regarding your interest to participate in IIRS Outreach Programme. In this letter it should be clearly mentioned the name and contact details of coordinator/focal person nominated for this course. (Click here to download the sample willingness letter)
- Determine your eligibility:
Before applying online, make sure your eligibility. Eligibility details are given below:- The course is open for all the Student of undergraduate course/ Postgraduate course (any year).
- Technical/ Scientific Staff of Central/ State Government Ministries/ Departments
- Faculty / Researchers at university / institutions are also eligible to participate in this course.
- Selection of Course details:
During online application form you have to select the course which you wish to apply. - Universities/institutions/Institute:
We have list of universities/institutions/colleges networked under IIRS Outreach Programme. Select your university, if your university is not listed please refer Procedure to join IIRS Outreach network. After approval from IIRS /ISRO you can register. - Personal Details:
Please provide your personal details like Name, Designation, Date of Birth, Gender, Nationality, E-Mail etc. - Educational Details:
Please provide your education details starting from SSC to Degree level - Other details:
Please provide the detail as per the online form - Documents Upload:
Please upload your recent photograph & identification proof
- University/Institute/Organisation shall support its own Outreach classroom facility for the planned training.
- University/Institute/Organisation shall meet the financial requirements on its own for the expenditure incurred on the training at their place.
- Identified focal point at the University/Institute/Organisation shall coordinate the day to-day activity requirements of the planned training program.
- University/Institute/Organisation will be responsible for arranging the Outreach classroom for the scheduled training program, registering students for the training, taking attendance of the students and taking care of all needs, as and when required.
- University/Institute/Organisation is responsible for conducting the online examination for all eligible participants. Later compiling and sending the result sheet of participants.
- University/Institute/Organisation coordinator shall collect feedback at the end of course for improvements to me made in future courses.
- In this course, nominated coordinator/focal person of University/Institute/Organisation is not allowed to participate as a registered student as per the guidelines.
- Coordinator will be awarded with a certificate on completion of each course conducted by him/her.
- Coordinator will get regular updates on Remote Sensing & Geospatial Technologies.
- Coordinator will be invited to attend IIRS User Interactive Meet on annual basis.
Live & Interactive programme can be received in two ways:
- A-View: A-VIEW is an advanced multi-modal, multi-platform, collaborative e-learning solution which allows an instructor to teach or interact with a large number of learners transcending geographies on a real-time basis through live audio video streaming and synchronized content sharing. A-VIEW allows the instructor to perform live evaluation of the learners and to get real-time feedback from attendees on the go. A-VIEW can also act as an online meeting tool that can support online social collaboration and interactions with multiple users from various locations simultaneously.
Download A-VIEW (http://aview.in/) - Webcasting: Webcasting is the process of video broadcasting live over the internet. To watch our live programme through our webcasting service click here:(http://iirs.gov.in/)
- Student of Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses (any year);
- Technical/ Scientific Staff of Central/ State Government Ministries/ Departments;
- Faculty / Researchers at university / Institutions.
There is no course fee. It’s absolutely a free of cost programme.
Working Professionals: Based on 70% attendance and submission of assignments.
Students: Based on 70% attendance and online examination.
The participants and participating organizations are invited to attend annual IIRS User Interactive Meet (IUIM) at IIRS Dehradun. The participants can submit their feedback online through IIRS e-learning portal. Feedbacks are critically analyzed and implemented in next courses.
IIRS received two national awards for excellence in training for outreach and e-learning programme by Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT), Govt. of India in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Connected Network Institutions:
- 00 University/Institute/College :
- 00 Central Govt. Ministry/Department :
- 00 State Govt. Ministry/Department :
- 00 Industry/ Corporate :
- 00 Other :
IIRS Distance Learning Centre
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Indian Space Research Organization
Department of Space, Govt. of India, 4-Kalidas Road, Dehradun-248001
Tel: 0135-2524130/4354/4334;(Monday to Friday (9:30 AM to 05:00 PM))