Assessment Structure
IIRS is conducting online e-learning based courses on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science of 1 month and 4 months durations. The criteria for issuing online certificates is set as following:
- 20%- Total time spend in e-learning contents. Total recommended time in each screen is published. The minimum requirement to appear in exam is more than 80% of recommended time for each course. The Assessment will be included based on total spend hours.
- 10%- Marks obtained in Mini project.
- 70%- Will be taken from online examinations.
The Grading will be as following:
- 80 or More than 80% A+ Grade
- 75 to 79% A Grade
- 70-74% B Grade
- 60-69 % C Grade
- Not successful Less than 60%
This is for announcement in Learning Management system (LMS) of IIRS e-learning courses for information to all the participants.